It has been a fruitful year! NI4OS-Europe delivered timely results in all lines of activities: contributing to EOSC governance and inclusion, raising awareness about EOSC and FAIR, and providing technical support for the EOSC onboarding of services and repositories.
LCT: a license clearance tool for research outputs re-use
User Communities test-cases
ΝΙ4ΟS-Europe opensource solution for the clearance of licensing issues for datasets, media, software and other content, before they are released under an open license and/or stored at a publicly trusted FAIR-enabling repository.
Designing and constructing use cases to enable the testing of thematic, generic and repository services on-boarding.
National Open Science Cloud Initiatives as important pillars of the European Open Science Cloud
NI4OS-Europe Training material on EOSC and FAIR principles
Building upon a solid governance and organizational framework on the national level for ensuring the sustainability of this flagship initiative for Europe.
Building National Capacity for Open Science in Europe
Working together for the realization of EOSC
Achieving the inclusion of countries and Associate member states into the EOSC requires developing national capacity, innovation and skills via a series of well-coordinated capacity building activities at national level.
A video of the EOSC secretariat on EOSC structure, the collaborative work of regional projects and the activities taking place for the development the European Open Science Cloud.
Video recording of ESOF2020 session “Advancing R&I ecosystems in the Western Balkans with regard to their ERA integration” is now available online
The efforts taking place towards enhancing R & I ecosystems in the Western Balkans, at national and European level, and the discussions on the future actions for achieving their integration to the European Research Area are now available online.